Monday, 13 June 2016

Book publishing/launch todo list

My next planned post was going to be about preparing the print edition. But before I do that, I thought I'd slip in something much simpler. This is just my to-do list of the things I need to do, now that I have a few days breather in between finishing the 2nd draft (3rd? 4th?) and getting ready to actually publish the ebook and paperback editions.
Here is the Gleebooks link for the series launch.
I'll update this list as I progress (as the countdown proceeds).
I thought it might make a handy check-list for other people. Though your mileage may vary, since I'm using Amazon for the ebook, and IngramSpark for the print editions.
WT = Wild Thing (1), HL = Harsh Lessons (2), SH = Shadow Hunt (3).
"*" means the task is completed.
This list is complicated by the fact that I'm doing a series launch (two books, not one), so it makes a bit more work for me.
I think a good planner would schedule this work to be spread out over at least two or three months.
I have learned to allow more time for the stuff, for future books!
Without further ado, the check-list. But because it looks a little daunting just presented as one great lump, I'll try to structure it a little to make it more digestible. I'll include estimates for how long each task should take, too.
Essential items
  1. * [1 hr.] Assign the ISBN for the new book. (Both ebook and print edition(s).)n Included in this is notifying the ISBN authority (in Australia, it means filling in the web forms in Thorpe-Bowker). This helps the book appear in publishing databases.
  2. * [1 hr.] Apply for the Catalogue in Print (CiP) entry for the new book. (ebook and print). This means the book will show up in more catalogues, including libraries, all around the world.
    Although this doesn't take you long, it may take a couple of weeks to receive the CIP text, so don't leave this until the last minute!
  3. * [2 hrs: er, no, 6.] MARKETING: Get Gleebooks RSVP info, site URL, for mail out to people I know who may be interested, and do so. Once only.
  4. * [1 wk? 2? Yes, it took a full 2 wks] Finish off the writing. For me, this means attending to the final critique from my editor. And I wanted to fiddle a bit with the title page.
    A normal person would schedule the book launch with ample time for this!
  5. * [2 hrs] Upload the book to the print edition publisher, IngramSpark, and to the ebook publisher, Amazon. Done: Harsh Lessons
  6. * [1 hr + detail check: 6 hrs] June 23: Order urgent proof copy of HL, and check it.
    A normal person would schedule the book launch with ample time for this, too. Got this done 4 days later than I'd hoped: paid a little extra, to rush the order to compensate.
  7. * [1 hr +6hrs?] June 30: get estimated no.s of attendees for launch and order an appropriate number of copies [Done for WT: Will do rush order on Monday for HL].
  8. * [2 hrs -> 1hr] MARKETING: Update list of people who earned/won free ecopy of HL (send iff given address), and gift people those people with free ecopies of Harsh Lessons, as I promised.
    (If you haven't promised this to people, then it's not a required Thing To Do!)
-- Bottom line: about 2 days of work. [Turned out nearer 3]

For me, I have to add whatever time it takes me to prepare the absolute final text for the book. (A sane person, or a good organiser, would schedule things so this list didn't even include that last slab of work!)  I'm not including the finishing of the writing/editing, since that's just the tip of the write-a-novel iceberg and doesn't belong in this list.

Useful but not essential
  1. [6 hrs?] Write some blog articles. (For me:
    * a status update [done],
    * this todo list [done],
    finish off the "preparing the print edition" article.)
  2. * [3 hrs] Research and buy new colour duplex laser printer. So I can produce decent press releases/posters. Brother HL-3150CDN sounds good, for Linux. $200. Buy, install, configure.
    Cost is a lot higher when you add a complete set of toner replacements (~+$600). Ubuntu 16.06 auto-install set it only as a text-only printer, nor could it print the test page. But the Brother web site provided installers for CUPS and lp, and that worked easily and flawlessly. Print quality is lovely!
  3. *[1 hr] For my situation, choose a suitable sample early chapter from Vol. 3 to include at the end of Vol. 2.
  4. *[2 hrs] Since I've improved Ch 1 in HL, and it's included as an excerpt at the end of Vol 1, update that in WT ebook and POD.
    (If it's your 1st book, or you haven't included a sample excerpt, this item goes away.)
-- Bottom line: about 3 days of work.
Nice to do if I have time
  1. [1 hr] MARKETING: Update WT press release.
  2. [2 hrs] MARKETING: Prepare press release for Harsh Lessons.
  3. [2 hrs] MARKETING: Print and send good press release with copy of WT to appropriate SMH reviewer.
  4. * [2 hrs: er, 4hrs] MARKETING: Make poster for where I used to work: the PDF for the poster is available here, for others to use.
  5. * [1hr] MARKETING: Update my old web site which succinctly lists what I've written and what I'm working on.
  6. * [15 min] MARKETING: Give poster to local newsagency?
  7. * [30 min] MARKETING: Give poster to local library?
  8. [2 hrs?] MARKETING: Prepare some give-away postcard or similar for book launch?
  9. [1 hr] MARKETING: Prepare and order new business cards.
  10. * [1 hr] MARKETING: Organise Amazon free days for WT to garner extra reviews.
    I mis-handled this, though: didn't promote it effectively beforehand, and did it as one lump of 5 days. But I learned a lot about the timzeons (plural) that Amazon works in. Also made a suggestion which they they seem inclined to implement.
  11. * [30 mins] MARKETING: Post Harsh Lesson draft to Amazon; set pre-release info.
  12. * [1 hr] Make the ebook available on Amazon from July 6 5
    Discover that you can't shift this date later if you realise you've given yourself too little time, without Amazon taking it very seriously: you lose the right to arrange another pre-order for a whole year. So I stuck with my original date. I hope I'm allowed to upload an improved version before the release date!
    Yes: but it can take a day for the uploaded revision to ripple through.
  13. * [10 mins] MARKETING: Contact local community radio (Radio Skid Row) re series launch, book 2, for interview. Note that various Linux tools for listening to streaming music did not work for me (banshee, streamtuner), but Clementine worked immediately after adding the URL for the stream,
    The interview will be lunchtime (prob. around 12:30pm) on Thursday 23rd June.
  14. [2 hrs?] MARKETING: Create a Facebook author page.
  15. [2 hrs?] MARKETING: Complete that convenience FB app. for Blogger.
  16. [2 days?] Read those two books on publishing/marketing I bought.
  17. [hrs?] MARKETING: Actions from marketing plan
  18. [1 hr] Practice reading, in case it's wanted for BL.
  19. [2 days ea?] Prepare an A-format (4"x7") edition of each book being launched (For me, Vols 1&2: WT, HL).
-- Bottom line: about 6 days of work.
Misc other vaguely related stuff that'd be nice to do, too
  1. [1 hr] Post copy of WT to replace lost copy, + HL, to Mirella. Choose trackable/signed delivery! Also post copy of HL to Dave.
  2. [1 hr?] Provide hardcopy WT to State Library? Ditto HL.
  3. [1 day] Do oomph analysis for Wild Thing.
  4. [1 day] Re-do oomph analysis for Harsh Lessons
  5. [day? ]Try character matrix idea?
  6. [1 day] Oomph analysis writing.
  7. [1 day] Type up some other not published pieces for the Marrickville Writer's Group review site.
  8. [days?] Aug: Start preparing for Book Expo, October
-- Bottom line: about 5 days of work.
So for me, all up, if I include every optional task, that's about 16 days of work. But just 2 days if I only do the essential items. I did need two weeks to attend to Dave's 2nd critique. It made excellent sense to do the essential stuff (including attending to the critique), and then work my way through the "nice to do things". The launch is now over, and was very successful (according to my modest goals), though I ran out of time to do many of the "nice-to-do" items. A few I'll carry on and do, even though it's now after the launch. If I hadn'tm caught a bad cold, with coughing when I tried to sleep, I think I would have achieved most of these things. Also, saying "Yes" to a solar panel installation and handling the consequences of how much planning and work that would involved was one of my stupid seat-of-the-pants decisions: to-ing and fro-ing about that cost me at least a day of productive work, until I postponed it all until afterwards.
At the time I first wrote this I had 25 days, so it looked a little scary but not too scary, even given my overly-optimistic planning and scheduling!

But the end result was happy. I'll put up a video from the launch on youtube in a day or two.


AmorinaRose said...

Well, after reading the above I have decided being a reader sounds so much better than being a writer, and have sent my computer a letter of resignation. It is possible you just have scared off a potential Pulitzer Prize winner with your effort to be organised. ):

Luke J Kendall said...

No-o-oo! Many of those tasks take just an hour or so. They're just steps along the way, and most are relatively small. And many are optional: like most of the ones marked MARKETING.

Also keep in mind that these are for someone self-publishing: if you find a traditional publisher, they'll take care of most or all of them for you!

Please don't let the list scare you off: you must have heard people say that marketing requires time and effort, and that the work isn't finished when you've written your novel?

Think of it in terms of planning and making an overseas trip. It's less scary than that, if you sit back with a cup of tea and think about it.

My intent in sharing this was that if you're feeling a bit lost about what to do next, this provides a map showing the places you can visit. So rather than having jobs and things to do spring up and surprise you, and perhaps after a while make you worry that "there's always something more to do", this shows that the list is finite.

Or it's like skiing down a hill: it may look scary from the top looking straight down, but if you just look ahead to the next little traverse, it's smooth skiing.

Maybe I should break up the list into "Must do", "nice to do", and "May increase sales"?

AmorinaRose said...

Okay you make sense but I'm still never going up a ski slope, traverse or not. I can be happy building snow people.

On a serious note breaking it up into easier pieces is not such a bad idea for next time. There is so much info out there that it is quite confusing for the novice, or even experienced person. A step-by-step clearly defined is a great idea. I just spent hours on something similar but on a smaller scale and I might do up my own list as I woke up this morning certain I missed something.
I think that worry about 'there's always something more to do' is more like worry 'there's something you forgot'.