Sunday 8 December 2019

Overcoming Obstructions to Writing

(Photo by Travis Saylor from Pexels)

Just a quick post to share something small I learned about how my mind works when it comes to writing.  For the last week I’ve made no progress on Lost Girl (Leeth Dossier #5).  There were everyday tasks which I felt needed to be done (like coffee: harvest time won’t wait), but that wasn’t enough to explain it all.  Those tasks only took up the time and energy for a portion of each day.

I’ve written about the Unconscious Thought Theory several times now, and I know for certain it’s heavily involved in my own creative process.  (I strongly suspect it’s true for everyone, but I don’t know that.)  So I know a lot of the work happens in the unconscious.  I also noticed previously that I was blocked when my conscious plan for how a story would unfold didn’t agree with what was developing in my unconscious.  In hindsight, I felt my unconscious threw up obstacles to stop me heading down that wrong path I had consciously planned.

I also know the neuroscience says the unconscious parts of the brain have something like fifty ‘processing units’ running in parallel. That sounds like a lot, but it’s a finite number.

Anyway, what happened was that tonight I tackled a task that had been weighing on my mind for a couple of months now.  (Selecting and booking a hotel for the world SF convention next year in Wellington, New Zealand, to be precise.)  I felt some relief as soon as I’d done so.

What I realised later however was that when I started to think about the next scene in Lost Girl, my mind didn’t instantly shy away and offer up a distraction.  Then I recognised that mental shying away was something I’d learned to do a long time ago to protect myself from worry about a situation I had no control over.  At that point I finally put two and two together and realised my unconscious was trying to solve the hotel booking problem and didn’t want to spare time for book creation.  Each time I tried it distracted me in a non-creative direction.  Sneaky, wise unconscious!

So, if you’re finding yourself blocked, go looking for a cause and then tackle that.  There’s probably a lot of different things that could be the issue.  Two I’ve discovered are 1) your plan is wrong, and 2) you have something else that needs your unconscious attention first.  The unconscious is great at making patterns and weighing up combinations of possibilities, but it has limits!

Friday 11 October 2019

Leeth’s Journey So Far: “Four Books!”

Chatting to an author friend today (Barbara Strickland), about what lay ahead for Leeth, she asked whether my idea for the series in the longer term was to pursue the action path or the emotional side of things?

I’m four books in now, and so far I believe I’ve delved deeply into both sides.  I had to stop and think though, to consider Barbara’s question.  Thirty years ago, I thought the series would be a sci-fi/fantasy action series, but when it came down to it, I couldn’t tell the story without honoring the depths of the characters.

(Because I love Mirella’s cover designs, let me just brighten this short post by including them here:)

Anyway, I realised my answer to Barbara’s question was “both”, even though it means I’ll need to continue a tricky balancing act.  I mustn’t let the excitement of the action elements of Leeth’s dramatic life distract me from the compelling human and emotional side of her story as it unfolds.  There’s no chance of losing sight of that in Book 5, Lost Girl, but in later volumes it may be something I’ll need to keep in the forefront of my mind.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

I’ll finish with a quick status update.  In August, Galaxy Bookshop hosted the launch (see the video) for Violent Causes (The Leeth Dossier Vol. 4): all my books are available on the shelves there!  As well, I’ve been learning bits and pieces about book marketing.  I’d much rather be writing, so I plan to go back to devoting myself to that — soon.  Maybe I’ll spend one day a week on the marketing side.

Things I’ve been learning about are Facebook ads from Mark Dawson and Nick Stephenson, Amazon ads from Bryan Cohen (I even created some ads), drawing up a far too exhaustive marketing plan, and learning bits about getting reviews and starting up a mailing list.  I also set up my Facebook Author Page (which I gather if you Like it, you’ll be notified when I post something there).  I also 99% converted my Blogger blog site into a kind of web site, only to stumble at the final hurdle.  Two days before I discovered how to overcome that last problem, I gave up and recreated my website in  It’s in pretty good shape, though I still have a small list of things to do.  Via my hairdresser Sebastian I discovered the talented Kellie M Davies and through her, the Aussie Speculative Fiction (ASF) FB group.

I also sent some books down to Bendi-con as part of an ASF contingent, and some are on their way soon to Supanova Adelaide and Supanova Brisbane with the same group of Aussie authors.  (We also had a small get-together in Sydney CBD, which was a great evening.)

Roger Patulny kindly agreed to shift the meeting date for our local writers’ group Authora Australis to a Wednesday that didn’t clash with the Sydney Mediaeval and Renaissance Group’s monthly meetings (thanks, Roger et al!), so I can attend regularly.  And this Sunday (Oct 13) Kristyn M Levis will be talking to our Book Marketing discussion group about Instagram for Authors.

I also created my first NielsenBook2Look” book widget (“biblet”) for Wild Thing.  Biblets let you look inside a book, share it on social media, find out where to buy it, and more.  Oh, and I had a flash fiction sci-fi story accepted by Antipodean SF magazine, called Dangerous January (which will be available there for a limited time).  Which also reminds me: I completed the Neil Gaiman Master Class too, and enjoyed it!

I guess I have been working hard after all (but not with blogging — shame, Luke!), even though there’s been far less writing than I like.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Sleeping Giants

I don't think I've written a social blog post before, here, but I read the article Why the Anglo World is Collapsing by Umair Haque today (Thursday, 2019/4/4) and felt it was important and valuable, but also not quite on the mark in every respect. So I wrote this response. (This is a slightly expanded version of a comment I left on Umair's article.) I encourage people to read the original article.

I share Umair's deep concerns, but I think assigning the cause to the ‘Anglo idea of superiority’ is off the mark. As others have commented on the article, the US and Britain are not the only countries facing very similar problems, and I’d note that Australia, which is another ‘Anglo country’, though more multi-cultural, is not in such dire straits. The imminent Federal election here will likely determine whether we follow the US down its current path, or stay true to our own ideals of mateship and a fair go for all.

I read a fascinating essay by the biologist Stephen Jay Gould, titled “Kropotkin was no Crackpot”, in which he noted that for many people, only the “Nature red in tooth in claw” message in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was absorbed, elevating the concept of competition to stand alone on the peak. Western societies largely overlooked the part of the theory that noted that co-operation frequently occurs in nature, too. The Russians, perhaps having more experience of living things surviving in harsh conditions, were much more attuned to the idea that co-operation is often necessary for survival.

Around 2010, I saw a study which compared Japanese, Australian, and US business cultures, along multiple dimensions. One stand-out fact was that in the areas of the individual vs the group, and co-operation vs competition, Japan lay near one end of the spectrum, the US at the opposite end, and Australia was about halfway between. I think a reasonable mix of the two is far healthier than valuing one and disregarding the other.

I have heard it argued that toxic capitalism is the cause of the problem (not Superiority), and that capitalism only emerged as a result of the religious idea of Predestination — that God knew each individual’s destiny, and what happened in their life was not something that could be changed. So success and failure was not something that could be altered by helping (or hurting) another, and that in turn led to the concept that fair compensation for work done was unnecessary. That divorced labour from a fair share in the profits of that labour. The extreme end result of this is the situation we find ourselves in globally, where a tiny percentage of the population owns the vast majority of the world’s wealth, despite the fact that that wealth was created by the efforts of billions of people over centuries of effort. It can only be rationally accepted if the wealthy believe, however falsely, in their innate superiority over others.

Anglo societies also place the rule of law above all, education for all, and equality. So do many other societies (all other healthy societies, I would argue). That these values are being eroded nowadays is not due to an Anglo belief in superiority. They’re being eroded by greed; by powerful elites who have been co-operating among themselves to “Manufacture Consent” among the majority (thanks, Noam Chomsky), and to influence policy and law makers to tilt the playing field in their favour (read “Winner Take All Politics” — it’s a heartbreaking eye-opener).

Personally, I think the problem Umair has written about has several causes, and he has attributed far too much to a single one of those.

I also think that Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are right in saying that courage can fix this, in our lifetimes (within ten years?) — though it will need “Moon Shot” levels of courage, determination, and effort. I also agree 100% with Umair (and AOC!) that the zero sum thinking is a big part of the problem. How anyone can believe that zero sum conditions apply to social systems, or the world’s wealth, boggles my mind. Billions of people around the world are building and creating and inventing and helping one another. Humanity is fantastically wealthier than it was a thousand years ago, a hundred years ago, twenty years ago. It sometimes seems not so, because the 1% have taken so much of that for themselves. So, new thinking, like the New Green Deal, or Kate Raworth’s economic Donut Theory, Modern Monetary Theory, is needed to solve the problem.

At heart it’s so simple, too. Co-operation and respect is all that’s needed: for each other, and for this precious planet. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. Basic goodness. How can that message still not have sunk in, after two thousand years? It’s because of the power of stories.

If you’re in one lifeboat, where everyone is paddling in their own direction, where are you going to be compared to a second lifeboat where everyone has agreed to paddle in the same direction?

Another thing, too: one of humanity’s greatest strengths—the desire to socialise and belong to a group—is also our biggest weakness, when we exclude others because they’re not enough like us to be included in our group. And stories are the basis of the group identity, determining who is inside, and who is outside and alien.

The Pen really is mightier than the Sword. The stories we tell ourselves control our fate: and if we believe lies that destroy our societies rather than truths that lift us all collectively, then we have only ourselves to blame. (I remember an advanced driver training course instructor saying: “If you’re ever sliding, out of control, and see a tree ahead, don’t look at it. Look at the gap you need to get through. If you look at the tree, that’s where you’ll end up.”)

So, the stories we tell ourselves, and the fact that a powerful few have been actively co-operating to push down the majority to better themselves. In my experience, 5% of people are bad. They will take what they can without respect for others, and we let them creep into power and poison our institutions at our own risk. That’s why the US founding fathers said “The price of Democracy is eternal vigilance.” Because there really are some bad people out there, and some of them are smart, and charismatic. If we don’t oppose them when we find them, they institutionalise their mindset and corrupt all those around them.

It’s time for the sleeping giant of the vast majority to wake up and step onto the playing field.